Sunday, June 14, 2015

Armadillo Trackers


ISBN: 9781311715548

Jackie has just turned eleven and is looking forward to a fun, adventured filled summer vacation. She and her brother, Levi, plan on spending it competing against each other as they try to outdo the other in earning Armadillo Tracker Plates (think Boy Scout badges.) They didn’t bargain on finding the Reverend’s body floating in the baptismal pool. They even tried their hand at investigating the murder until Jackie is attacked because she has an important clue in her possession. With a promise to their parents to forego any further investigating, they get on with the task of enjoying summer and their sibling rivalry. They and their friends have an action packed, adventured filled summer ahead of them so why be bothered by a piddly little murder. As they put the murder on the back burner and focus on just being kids on summer break they discover that most fun can simply pop-up in unexpected ways and at the most unexpected times. They discover true friendship can help get them through almost anything and that murder clues can appear at the most inopportune times. At least there is the promise that it won’t be a dull summer. While their antics and adventures are foremost in this tale of summer fun there is always the underlying knowledge that a murderer is running amok in Hemlock, Texas and that no one is truly safe until the killer is caught. When Jackie finds the final clue that reveals the identity of the killer it rounds out the most unforgettable summer she can ever hope to have.
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